two_handfuls 2 hours ago

One point of feedback: it's not clear from the webpage what happens if you put a todo on Monday and then don't do it.

Will it still be in your list of to-dos on Tuesday? Will it have vanished?

  • danielkrajka 2 hours ago

    thanks for the feedback - I agree, I should explain better how the app works. Right now it shows up on the next days with an "overdue" label

enagymo 3 hours ago

Nice idea, do you plan to add any filters/tags? So I can add categories like "Personal" / "Work" and easily switch between them

  • danielkrajka 2 hours ago

    yeah, I plan to add a bunch of features once the app is available in Google Playstore. Some of the ideas: - filtering / searching - assigning TODOs to projects (tags) so you can group them - e2e encrypted data backup for some small monthly subscription (so you don't lose data)

    later on, if there's enough demand, I plan to create iOS and web versions

gregnavis 9 hours ago

Reminds me of calendar integration in Things 3.

danielkrajka 19 hours ago

Hi all, just wanted to share wat I'm working on, any feedback appreciated

uticus 14 hours ago

Love the idea